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Friday, March 15, 2013

The Nightmare Affair by Mindee Arnett

The Nightmare Affair (The Arkwell Academy, #1)

The Nightmare Affair by Mindee Arnett is the first in the series The Arkwell Academy.  This book is set in an alternative reality where monsters/supernatural beings exist.  The main character is 16 yr old Dusty Everhart, who is none other than a Nightmare.  A nightmare is close to a succubus, creatures that appear at night to sleeping victims and steal their dreams, for Dusty’s purposes she uses the dreams to generate more magic.  The book opens up to Dusty entering a strangers bedroom for her routine and to her shock and horror the stranger is an old classmate, Eli Booker.  Eli is the average good looking popular YA leading male.  Of course, not only is there an embarrassing factor to this particular outing for Dusty, but she discovers that what Eli is dreaming will become reality. This leads to Dusty discovering that they are a rare team of Dreamseers, which is weird because Eli is an ordinary (human).  Now Dusty and Eli must team together to stop more murders from occurring.

There are a few twists and turns during the novel that gives it the proper mystery factor.  You have a power hungry mother, a secret lover and Merlin (loooonng story in that one, which is much appreciated.)  Why is someone targeting the “Keepers” and can Dusty really understand her purpose before it is too late?

With the right amount of romance, mystery and magical world stories this book is a great addition to YA paranormal.  Also, “nightmares” being turned into a supernatural being that happens to not be that much of negative thing is pretty cool.  I find that most YA paranormal stick with the 5 basic “supernatural food groups”; Vampires, Werewolves, Angels/Demons, Fairies, and Witches.  It is always nice to see mythological creatures, trolls, pixies, etc.

I gave this book a high 3.5/5 stars.  Thanks Net Galley!

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