Challenge Participant

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Assassin's Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke

The Assassin's Curse (The Assassin's Curse, #1)

The Assassin's Curse is a great add to the YA novels that have been launched over the past decade and a half.  A lot of the YA novels have some parts romance and some parts supernatural/myth woven into them, and this novel is no exception. 

We begin this journey with PIRATES! That's right pirates.  As soon as Ananna of the Tanarau clan is introduced I was hooked.  She is betroth to a handsome son of another pirate clan, in hopes to create an allying bond; however, after meeting this person Ananna is too disappointed.  She wants to command her own ship and crew (of course this is not possible since she is a girl and the pirate clans do not favor women in leadership roles.)  Too annoyed with the situation, she runs out on him and the union to be.  Here enters... the real conflict.

After disgracing her clan and the clan of her suitor, his family sends out an assassin to take care of her (b/c why not right?)  Ananna must now use proverbial words from wizards and her own common sense to survive, except something happens that she or anyone else could not have foreseen.

Enter Naji, the assassin.  He is amazing at what he does and almost succeeds, but when Ananna fails to run away from his attacks and helps him from a snake attack (that would have killed him) both become tied to each other.  Naji must now serve and protect Ananna no matter what! (This is the curse).  The rest of the book follows the two of them trying to break the curse and separate from each other's hold (if Ananna is away from Naji too long intense suffering is placed upon him.)  During their journey for separation they encounter good wizards and bad ones... apparently there is battle going on, connected to people like the assassin.  Ananna's suitor also makes a reappearance that will make you laugh and also wince. 

 I loved the chemistry between Naji and Ananna.  The witty conversations and one liners were refreshing, too.  I'm not too sure yet how the wizards are going to attack them in the next installments to come but it is safe to assume that this strong heroin and her assassin will be ready to take it on, all the while bickering with each other.  This was such a breath of fresh air, and the back drop of the middle east is perfect (especially if you are tired of the supernatural just lurking in people's high school!)

***NOTE: Copy of this book is provided by publisher via NetGalley. Thank you.
I'm not paid for writing reviews.

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